"Go therefore and make disciples..."
The Mission
"Hope City Church exists to transform lives through the power of faith, embracing every individual in a welcoming community. We share hope, love, and faith to ignite a passion for Christ, empowering each person to discover their purpose and impact our world through the love of God."
The Vision
Hope City Church is a vibrant community centered around Jesus Christ and His Word, the Bible. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we exist to inspire and empower individuals to live lives fully engaged with the Holy Spirit, transforming them from mere church attenders into true disciples. Our success is measured by radical obedience to the Holy Spirit and the growth of disciples who bring the Kingdom of God to Earth through evangelism and the manifestation of signs and wonders. Our ultimate goal is to equip and empower every attendee to become a leader, a servant, and a devoted follower of Jesus, extending the Church's impact beyond our walls.